Closing the Opportunity Divide in Montgomery County

Future Link seeks to close the opportunity divide for first-generation-to-college, high-potential young adults (ages 18-25) by providing them with the resources, knowledge, skills, and personalized support needed to achieve their education and career goals. Our comprehensive two-phase program providing a suite of individualized services — paid internships, career coaching, mentoring, tutoring, scholarships, academic guidance, and more — gives our students served a fair chance to succeed while reducing barriers and a widening achievement gap. Future Link’s program yields post-secondary persistence, degree and credential attainment, and direct access to employers for internships and full-time employment.

Together with the community, we cultivate a skilled future workforce, provide opportunities to maximize potential, and achieve equity through action.


Provide one-on-one
for professional growth


Receive education and career services enabling upward economic mobility


Offer paid internships and first career jobs for workforce development

Advanced education or training is necessary to enter our region’s knowledge- and technology-based workforce. Although Montgomery County is one of the most affluent in the nation, significant income and educational disparities exist. These inequities have a lasting ripple effect on low-income, first-generation-to-college young adults, limiting access to education and training opportunities, degree attainment, homeownership, and long-term wealth building.

We envision a community that offers all young adults in Montgomery County equitable access to education and career development opportunities to position them to thrive in the workforce; one that invests in their abilities and partners with them to maximize their talents. Future Link aims to overcome issues of social injustice and income inequality, launching our participants to financial independence and self-sufficiency.

4X the national rate

Future Link students get associate degrees at 4X the national rate for first-generation college students.

2X the National Rate

Future Link students get bachelor's degrees at 2X the national rate for first-generation college students.