Is Putting Off a Rebrand Costing You?

Calculating the Cost of Inaction: Should You Finally Tackle That Rebrand?

This Self-Assessment Will Help You Decide

An outdated or underwhelming brand can be a major obstacle for your B2B firm. But maybe you’ve been putting off a much-needed rebrand, citing budget constraints or skepticism about the ROI. While inaction may seem like the safer move, there are hidden costs to delaying a rebrand that could be hindering your sales momentum.

Use this self-assessment to estimate the potential revenue impacts and opportunity costs your firm could be facing by holding off on refreshing your brand identity, messaging, and marketing assets.

Cost of Inaction Self-Assessment

  1. How many years has it been since your last comprehensive rebrand?
    • a) 0-3 years
    • b) 4-6 years
    • c) 7+ years
  2. How strongly does your current brand differentiate your services in the market?
    • a) Strong
    • b) Somewhat
    • c) Not very
  3. How consistent and recognizable is your brand’s visual identity across channels?
    • a) Very consistent
    • b) Some inconsistencies
    • c) Major inconsistencies
  4. How well does your brand messaging resonate with your target prospects?
    • a) Highly relevant
    • b) Somewhat relevant
    • c) Not very relevant
  5. How do clients/prospects perceive the modernity and innovation of your brand?
    • a) Innovative
    • b) Somewhat dated
    • c) Very outdated
  6. How much brand equity and awareness have you built in your market?
    • a) Significant
    • b) Moderate
    • c) Very little

For each response, allocate points: a=1 point, b=3 points, c=5 points, and total your score.

Calculate Your Results

12-18 points: Your brand is likely hindering sales traction. A rebrand may unlock 15%+ revenue upside by better capturing demand.

19-24 points: You’re leaving money on the table. A strategic rebrand could drive 10%+ revenue growth by better positioning your firm.

25-30 points: Not rebranding has major costs. A comprehensive rebrand may be needed to remain competitive and avoid stagnating or declining sales.

If your assessment points to substantial costs from delaying an overdue rebrand, it may be time to explore updating your brand strategy, visuals, and go-to-market positioning. Even a moderate rebrand can pay dividends in driving more resonant leads, higher win rates, and increased revenue.

Epstein Creative Group can conduct an audit, develop a rebrand roadmap, and execute an impactful brand transformation to reenergize your sales pipelines.
Contact us to learn more about our brand redesign services.