Dominating Your Market Share Starts With an Ownable Idea

Do You Own an Idea in Your Customer’s Mind?

Staking a Claim as a Market Leader Through Branding

As a B2B services firm, one of your biggest challenges is cutting through the noise to get noticed by prospects inundated with options. You can’t just promote generic capabilities — you must own a distinctive idea that positions your firm as the market leader and preeminent choice for solving a particular client need or pain point.

The most successful service brands dominate their category by purposefully building mindshare around a proprietary perspective, methodology, or specialty approach. They plant an “ownable idea” flag in the ground that attracts ideal clients their way.

Building an ownable idea into your branding does three powerful things:

  1. It differentiates you from being just another commodity services provider. You become the authority and obvious choice for that specific concept.
  2. It shapes and focuses everything – your messaging, marketing, sales positioning, etc. It provides clarity internally and externally.
  3. It increases relevance with your target prospects by directly addressing their critical needs through your unique lens.

To create an ownable idea, start by getting clear on your firm’s superpowers and where you drive the most value for clients. Maybe it’s:

  • A proprietary process or methodology you’ve developed
  • Specialized expertise in addressing a high-value challenge
  • A modern way of delivering services that upends the status quo
  • Bundling multiple capabilities into a unique integrated solution

Whatever it is, go all-in on communicating, personifying, and embodying that idea across every brand touchpoint.

The most beloved B2B brands like McKinsey, Salesforce, and HubSpot all rallied their brands around game-changing ideas. “Management consulting” became the “McKinsey Way.” Cloud software evolved into “No Software” and inbound marketing philosophies. Ownable ideas propelled their growth from obscurity to world renown.

If your B2B services firm is still getting commoditized and blending in, it may be time to double down on distilling the one idea that makes you distinctly relevant and desirable to your ideal clients.

We can help you unearth that big, ownable idea that captures mindshare so your firm can become a market leader. Then we’ll make it unmissable by infusing it throughout your brand identity, messaging, marketing, and sales enablement tools.

Reach out to discuss a Branding Workshop to claim a powerful, differentiated position and start dominating your services category.