Retaining Good Volunteers

How to Find and Keep Good Volunteers

You know you need volunteers for your nonprofit organization. You know the quality of your volunteers makes a difference. You want enthusiastic, reliable volunteers to make it possible for your organization to succeed in its mission. But how do you find and keep them? With persistence and creativity.

Dedicated volunteers make it possible for non-profits to achieve their missions. Strong branding and solid marketing strategy will help you attract, recruit, and retain those quality volunteers. Want to learn more?

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Brand Ambassadors

Brand Ambassadors: 5 Helpful Ways To Make Them Work For You (Free Of Charge!)

When it comes to successful marketing, many big companies often use brand ambassadors to serve as the voice and face for their products. Apple, Nike and Target–they all have them. While you may not have a large enough budget to hire a paid celebrity spokesperson like they do, non-profits can still take advantage of the same tactics that these big companies use to market their products. In this latest post, the Epstein Creative Group explains how you, too, can make brand ambassadors work for you. Best of all, it won’t cost you a single penny.

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Online Marketing to Older Donors

5 Reasons Why Online Marketing to Older Donors Matters

There was a time when marketers steered far, far away from advertising to older Americans online. Many simply believed seniors and baby boomers just weren’t interested in the Internet. However, the research indicates otherwise. With more than half of older Americans now online, marketing to them via the web has never been more important.

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Web Design: 5 Tips for your business to attract attention to your mission, build your advocacy, and increase donors

Five Tips for Telling Great Stories

Build Trust and Attract Donors with this Marketing Trick that Works Like Magic
Want to attract attention to your mission, build your advocacy, and increase donors? Tell people a story! Stories establish your brand. They draw people in, lead them to trust, and move them to action. The benefits of a great brand can’t be oversold. Recruit advocates and donors to your mission by harnessing the power of a story well told. Click here for “Five Tips for Telling Great Stories” by Epstein Creative.

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Great Website Design 6

Persuasive Website Design: Part 6 of 8

Principle #6 – Ensure Website Links Work A broken or inactive website link is similar to a typographical error. It’s a mistake. One that may cost you a customer. ENSURING WEBSITE LINKS ARE ACTIVE not only saves time and frustration for your user but it also demonstrates that you are a professional who pays attention […]

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