7 Things Every Organization Should Know When Using Facebook

According to a recent study, 98 percent of non-profits are on Facebook. However, many fail to get the most out of the popular social media site. Instead, many use Facebook as an announcement board and miss huge opportunities for free advertising advocacy and to possibly reach the people they might be trying to help. Below, we’ve included several pieces of advice non-profits should keep in mind when using Facebook to market their cause.

  1. Don’t brag too much.
    Often times, nonprofits will announce the money they’ve received, grand openings, or their accomplishments. There’s nothing wrong with tooting your own horn from time to time. However, don’t make your Facebook page all about you. Think about it. How does it help your cause, get donations or volunteers?
  2. Use Facebook to tell a story.
    To help generate interest in your cause, consider including photos and videos of people who’ve benefited from your nonprofit. This gives donors an opportunity to see how their money is being put to good use—and will even help encourage others to give to your cause.
  3. Decide on the purpose of your Facebook page.
    When using Facebook, non-profits should have a well-thought-out strategy in place. Put someone in charge of maintaining your agency’s page.  Have a clear objective and goal for every post, and then stick to it.
  4. Find your voice.
    Non-profits should make every effort on Facebook to engage, inform, and entertain their readers, but do it in a way that’s conversational. Talk to your readers as if they’re a good friend of yours. Doing so will keep them coming back to your page often. No one likes to read dull, boring copy.
  5. Make use of video images.
    We live in such a visual society. Photos and videos naturally catch our attention, so making use of them on a non-profits page is a no-brainer. Consider this. Non-profits that use photos have a 37 percent higher level of engagement than over text alone.
  6. Add the Facebook logo to your website and newsletter.
    By doing this, non-profits will help increase the number of page likes on their Facebook page. More likes equals more reader engagement and that plays such a huge role when it comes to marketing your cause.
  7. Make use of Facebook analytics.
    Knowing and understanding your audience is crucial. Luckily, Facebook makes it pretty easy. Every page admin has access to page insights, which provide detailed information on the age, gender, location, etc. of your readers. When you know who’s going to your page, you can better engage with them.
    When Facebook is used correctly, it gives non-profits the ability to attract new supporters, generate bigger donations, and raise awareness for their cause. The bottom line is that social media is a powerful marketing tool no nonprofit can afford to screw up. Plus, it’s free!

If you’re a nonprofit or mission-driven organization looking to really take your Facebook page to the next level, contact the Epstein Creative Group today.