Don’t have a niche? 5 reasons you should

“We do everything for everybody.”

Not very memorable, is it?

“We focus on mission-driven organizations that benefit women and children.”

Much better!


Maybe you’re hesitant to pick a specialty because you want to help everybody. The truth is that picking a niche doesn’t prevent you from doing other things. It just streamlines your marketing—and helps your message stick.
Your organization needs a niche because:

  1. People will seek you out. If you have a foot problem, you go to a foot doctor—not a heart doctor. Both went to medical school, but they did different things. When you’re an expert in something, your organization will become known for it.
  2. It answers questions. A niche helps you answer all sorts of questions: Who is our target audience?  What kind of marketing should we do? Should we attend this event? Do we need to be on social media? Seeing questions through niche-colored glasses makes everything clearer.
  3. It creates advocates. When something is clear, it’s easily recognized, understood, and easily shared. With a clear message, your supporters become advocates, and your message spreads.
  4. Internal efficiency goes up. Internally, if you’re constantly doing something new, you’ll never get efficient at anything. By focusing on one area, you’ll shine at your specialty—because you’re immersed.
  5. Limited resources go further. When your budget is supporting one message, it makes a bigger spark than if it’s spread across multiple messages.
  6. It helps you grow. You might think that by narrowing your audience, you’ll get smaller. In fact, the opposite is true. Being known for something won’t limit you—it will expand support and ultimately enable you to help more people.

I help mission-driven organizations that focus on women and children. That’s my niche. If I can help you spread your message, let me know.

Stay tuned. Next time, I’m going to lay out the steps to choosing your niche.


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Alizah Epstein
Founder and Chief Creative Officer
Epstein Creative | Branding and marketing design studio