Persuasive Website Design: Part 4 of 8
Principle #4 – Consistency is King
Have you ever visited a webpage and thought that you had accidentally been directed to another website? Or, have you entered information on one page, only to have the search box jump to another location on a different page? If you’ve ever experienced these or other items, you’ll understand why WEBSITE CONSISTENCY is so important
Website visitors rely on consistency; it’s important to their user experience. When considering website consistency, keep these three things in mind:
- Themes Create Unity – Your website and corresponding web pages should be consistently themed (have the same look). This creates unity throughout your site. Heading sizes, font choices, color selections, spacing, design elements, content tone/voice, functionality, illustration styles, photos sizes, and styles should all match across your various web pages—and complement each other.
- Consistency Demonstrates Professionalism…And You Are Professional – Your website is often your customers’ first impression of you, so it should be professional. Inconsistencies in design are like spelling and grammar mistakes in an essay. Demonstrate that you have pride in your company (and yourself) and that you pay attention to detail by maintaining website consistency. The user experience on a consistent website will enhance your company’s brand.
- Planning Ahead Reduces Future Headaches – As with any project, planning is essential. As you design your website, make early decisions and stick with them. This will make updates, new web pages, site maintenance, etc. much easier and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business—like fulfilling website sales!
Being consistent doesn’t mean you’re boring. It means you have taken the time to plan and implement a site that is coherent, unified and professional. Isn’t that the brand image you want your customers to have? Do a quick website audit…is your website consistent? Tell us what you find and any areas you plan to improve.
Home is where your first impression is made. Creating a Welcoming Homepage is the next design principle we’ll cover. Until then, I welcome your comments or questions below.
If you’d like to know more or discuss your specific situation, I’m happy to offer a FREE, 30-minute consultation. Simply send me an email.